Vieja Valley Mission Statement
We provide a learning-oriented, safe environment for children of all ages. In doing so, our mission is to develop in children the knowledge, skills and attitudes to instill a lifelong love of learning and to become productive and contributing individuals in a changing society.
Update from ELAC

Th most recent Vieja ELAC meeting was on February 25, 2025.
Most recent events:
Tamale Sales happened the first two weeks of December! It was a great fundraiser for our ELAC group and school.
We were able to help our school community celebrate Día de los Muertos in our MPR the week of October 28th. The ofrenda was beautiful and students celebrated those they love and remember.
****Here is a good resource to help understand and support your child with upcoming English Language Proficiency testing that occurs each year.
****MEETINGS 2023-2024
October 17, 2023
February 6, 2024
April 6, 2024
All ELAC meetings will be at 5pm in the Vieja Valley Library. **** Translation provided for both English/Spanish speakers.
Calendar for 2025-2026 school year!

Click here to see the calendar for next year. It was recently approved by the School Board and agreed upon by the teacher's union/School Board.
Check It Out!

Click here to read Mr. St. Peter's news and information. His winter newsletter lets us know how our school stays safe and supported with adult volunteer information/guidelines as well as device safety during school hours. Thanks for helping VV "BEE" safe!
Bee-autification at VV!

The Vieja Valley Clean & Green Club (a student lunch club that is open to all Upper Graders) has been hard at work planning sustainable, eco-friendly improvements for an open area near the lunch tables. In partnership with the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and Parent Volunteers, the Club has created a landscape plan that will support our local ecosystem and provide a beautiful, peaceful space for students to enjoy on campus. Vieja Valley has secured a grant from NOAA’s Ocean Guardian program to make this project a reality, and we had the support of volunteers. Thanks to all who wereinterested and available to plant - it was a "bee"autiful success!
What's New at VV?

TK/Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 School year has started! Please enroll online as soon as possible. Enrolling early helps us plan for the new year. Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact us at (805) 967-1239.
The School Dashboard for 2024 is in for Vieja Valley! To help parents and educators identify strengths and areas for improvement, California reports how districts, schools, and student groups are performing across state and local measures. Scroll to the left of this page to access the report in English or in Spanish.
Ocean Awareness is going to be our focus as we have made our way back to school! We had an assembly teaching both upper and lower grades about this critical topic (focused on penguins in Antarctica) and how we can make a difference in our community and world.
Our Jog-A-Thon was a HUGE SUCCESS! Students raised over $60,000 so our PTA can help fund many activities for ALL STUDENTS like STEAM, Art, PE, Performing Arts, Library, Upper Grade Camps, Class Field Trips and Campus Beautification!
- Work was completed with our bond money! All classrooms have updated windows with retractable blinds, heating and cooling units, and new roofs. Thanks for being patient these past two years.
- Does your child speak more than one language? Our ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) would LOVE to help you become more involved here at school and find out how you can support your student and others who are multilingual! The first ELAC meeting was a District meeting with our two other schools (Hope and Monte Vista) at Hope School Elementary. Our VV site meeting will happen soon!
California School Dashboard - 2024
Measure J Bond

The Hope Elementary School District Planning and Construction Management oversees new construction and modernization of all district facilities. The department is responsible for the district’s short and long-term facility needs, including enrollment and staffing projections to identify facility needs.
Through careful planning and support from the community, Hope Elementary School District has prepared well to accommodate the current needs of our students, staff, and community. In March 2020, the Hope School District community voters passed Measure J. This $47.4 million bond will provide funding for the modernization of our facilities, including new construction at Hope Elementary School, Monte Vista Elementary School, and Vieja Valley Elementary School.
The first series of $12 million was sold in May 2020, received in June 2020, and deposited in Fund 22 (Bonds). The district must spend 85% of those proceeds within three years. Staff predicts all $47.4 million proceeds will be spent by 2025. Closing out the bond program requirements by June 2026.
For more information, please see additional sections on the webpage to review the school site project list, timeline, and status.
Current projects include:
Vieja Valley Elementary School Multi-Purpose Building Modernization – Substantially Completed November 2022 – Closeout Phase
Vieja Valley Elementary School Alterations – November 2024
Monte Vista Elementary School Alterations and New Classroom Building – Bid Phase
Hope Elementary School Alterations and New Classroom Building – Planning Phases