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Parentsquare PS Tips

Manage Your Notifications 

You can manage how you receive notifications.  

  1. Log into PS
  2. Click on you name in the right hand corner
  3. Click on My Account
  4. Click on 'Change this' under the NOTIFICATION SETTING
  5. Select your preferences 
  6. Don't forget to click on Save 

Please Note: Keep in mind, sometimes there are mulitple posts in a day. If you choose to receive posts as a daily digest, be sure to read to the end so you do not miss one!

We hope everyone is finding ParentSquare to be a useful and informative communication tool. Aside from posts and pictures, our school's directory can be found here as well. It's a great way to connect with other VV families (play dates for the kids and adults)!

PLEASE NOTE: The directory should not be used outside of school needs. 

Here are the steps to edit your contact information:

  1. Log into PS
  2. Click on you name in the right hand corner
  3. Click on My Account
  4. Click on Edit Account
  5. Fill in any missing information you would like to provide
  6. Don't forget to click on Save 

If you would like to make some information visible only to the school and not to the student body, follow these steps:

  1. Log into PS
  2. Click on your name in the right hand corner
  3. Click on My Account
  4. Click on which information you would like 'visible' or 'hidden'

Shhhh...Don't tell the teacher!

Posting on PS is the most efficient way of communicating with your student's class. It's a great way to enlist parent volunteers for various occasions throughout the school year. Just a quick tip...If you are posting something you do not want your teacher to see, don't forget to choose 'Send to Parents Only'!


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Vieja Valley Elementary



(805) 967-5947
COMPLAINTS REGARDING DISCRIMINATION Public agencies, including school districts, may not discriminate against you on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin (including language), political affiliation, disability, marital status, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or any other applicable bases. This means that these agencies must provide the same aid, benefits and services to all individuals and groups, except as authorized by federal or state law or the Governor's executive order. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, you may take one or all of the following actions: You may talk with the District Superintendent at (805) 682-2564 or in person at 3970 La Colina Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. State the basis of the discrimination (for example, age, race, sex), the specific allegation (who, what, when) and the resolution you are seeking. You have 180 days from the date the alleged discrimination occurred to make a complaint or request an investigation. If the Superintendent fails to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you may request an investigation. The Board of Trustees will investigate the complaint and inform you of the outcome.
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